Uneasy Feelings No One Tells You About When You Are Healing

Healing is a transformative process that takes us on a profound inner journey of growth and self-discovery.

It is often portrayed as a linear path to bliss and contentment, but the reality is that healing comes with its own set of uneasiness—emotional waves, unpredictable sleeping patterns, a need for solitude, and questioning life's purpose, among others.

In this blog we’ll dive into the untold aspects of healing, shedding light on the uneasy feelings that are rarely discussed but play a significant role in our journey towards wholeness.

Let’s uncover these hidden struggles and learn to embrace them as stepping stones towards our truest selves.

Uneasy feelings no one tells you about when you are healing:

Feeling an Intense Need to Be Alone and Disconnect

During the healing process, you may experience a strong desire to retreat and disconnect from the outside world. It's okay to prioritize your solitude and create space for self-reflection. Embrace this need for alone time as an opportunity to recharge, process your emotions, and nurture your inner self. Remember, honoring your need for solitude is an act of self-care.

Random Influxes of Irrational Anger or Sadness

Healing can bring about unexpected bursts of intense emotions. You may find yourself feeling angry or sad without a clear reason. Remember, these emotions are not a reflection of weakness or regression. Instead, they signify the release of suppressed feelings and the purging of emotional wounds. Embrace these fluctuations as part of your healing journey, knowing that they will pave the way for emotional growth and resilience.

Sensitivity to Your Own Energy and Those Around You

As you heal, you may become more attuned to your own energy and the energies of others. You may notice that certain people or environments drain you, while others uplift and inspire you. Embrace this heightened sensitivity as a gift—it allows you to cultivate healthier relationships and surround yourself with positive influences. Listen to your intuition and create boundaries that nurture your well-being.

Unpredictable and Scattered Sleeping Patterns

Healing can disrupt your usual sleeping patterns, leading to restless nights and scattered thoughts. This is a normal part of the process. Instead of resisting these changes, focus on establishing a soothing bedtime routine, practicing relaxation techniques, and creating a calm sleep environment. Be patient with yourself, knowing that restful sleep will eventually return, bringing you the rejuvenation you need.

A Desire to Avoid Small Talk or Gossip

During the healing journey, you may find yourself craving deeper, more meaningful connections. Small talk and gossip may no longer resonate with you. Embrace this desire for authentic conversations that nurture your soul. Seek out people who inspire and uplift you, engaging in discussions that explore life's deeper questions and foster personal growth. Surround yourself with individuals who align with your values and aspirations.

Intense Desire to Speak Up for Yourself 

As you heal, you may find a newfound assertiveness and confidence in expressing your needs and boundaries. Embrace this empowered voice within you and allow it to guide you on your journey. Speaking up for yourself is an essential part of personal growth and self-advocacy. Trust your intuition, assert your boundaries, and remember that your voice matters.

Feeling More Uncomfortable Around Negative People, Downsizing Your Friend Group

During healing, you may become more aware of the impact negative people have on your well-being. It's natural to gravitate towards positive, supportive individuals who uplift and inspire you. As you grow, it's okay to reassess your friendships and downsize your friend group if needed. Surround yourself with those who encourage your personal growth, understanding that your happiness and healing should be a priority.

Feeling as Though You Are Reliving Your Childhood Struggles

Healing often brings to the surface unresolved wounds from your past. You may find yourself revisiting childhood struggles and experiencing them anew. Remember, this is an opportunity for healing and growth. Acknowledge your past experiences, seek support if needed, and embrace the chance to rewrite your narrative. By confronting these struggles head-on, you pave the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Feeling Lost or Directionless, Questioning Life's Purpose

Throughout your healing journey, you may experience moments of uncertainty and questioning. It's natural to ponder life's purpose and feel a sense of being lost. Embrace these moments as invitations to delve deeper into self-discovery. Reflect on your passions, values, and what truly brings you joy. Trust that the answers will come in due time, and your journey of healing will lead you towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

The healing journey is a transformative process that encompasses both the light and the shadows. It demands courage, resilience, and a willingness to face the discomfort that arises along the way.

By acknowledging and embracing the uneasy feelings that accompany healing—such as the need for solitude, the release of intense emotions, heightened sensitivity, and a quest for authenticity—we empower ourselves to heal on a deeper level.

Remember, it's okay to feel uneasy as you heal; it signifies growth and progress.

Embrace the challenges, honor your emotions, and trust in the wisdom of your healing journey. As you navigate through the uneasiness, you will emerge stronger, more resilient, and closer to the authentic, wholehearted version of yourself.

-Jada Butler


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